We are a team of people who love and cherish Serbian tradition, culture and our national heritage. The idea originated from journeys we had been going on for years throughout our country thus learning about its history, tradition and our cultural heritage. Our aim is to present real values and natural beauty of Serbia to both Serbian and people from all around the world. Explore the Serbian history and let us take you into the world of castles, legends, fairylike canyons and roman roads. You will meet generous Serbian hosts, eat homemade food, sleep in ethno villages and listen to the sounds of birds and wind.
Milan Gočmanac
45, married, father of a beautiful girl. Has over twenty years of experience in mountaneering and doing sports. He actively practices martial arts. He researches slavistics and Serbian tradition. He has founded several sports clubs and centers for the development of international culture. He speaks English, Russian and Portugese.
Dalibor Tošković
39, Nadja and Sergej’s father. Acquired the degree in philology at the Department of Slavistics. He has over a decade long work experience in VIP mobile corporation. He is proud of his childhood he spent in the countryside which enabled him to explore Serbian tradition and customs. He is actively involved in mountaineering. He speaks English and Polish
Slobodan Gočmanac
Professional associate
72, married, father of one child. He has been actively involved in mountaneering for 55 years. He is one of the founders of ”Association of Mountain Guides of Serbia”, he is a mountain coach instructor, explorer and speleologist. He has led expeditions to Elbrus and Aconkaqua. He is still actively involved in alpinism, orienteering, organisation of mountain orienteering competitions, excursions, as well as trekking tours.